Once again I plunge into the Plaza Classic Film Festival with a pretty full slate of films that I plan to watch. As in the past two years, I plan to see films I have not seen before to expand my cinematic knowledge. It's always good to revisit past films that I love, but I am shifting my thinking to now look at films that I have not experienced.
There is at least one film that I plan to see without reviewing. A couple of friends want me to see Major League, and I have always wanted to see it. If I ever were to review it, it would be for my annual Opening Day Film where I review a baseball-related film.
This is the planned schedule for the 2019 Plaza Classic Film Festival in alphabetical order.
Anatomy of a Murder*
Beau Geste*
Mary Poppins
Now or Never: A Tony Romo Story
Plaza Days 1: Battle of the Century, A Trip to the Moon, Crazy Like a Fox
Plaza Days 2: Hog Wild and a selection of Looney Tunes cartoons
The Promised Land
Space Camp**
The Virgin Suicides
It is surprisingly slim pickings this year but this year I have decided to review a film a day for the Summer Under the Stars Blogathon sponsored by Journeys in Classic Film. Also, there were not enough films this year that really grabbed my attention.
Under no circumstances will I sit through La La Land again. I'm puzzled as to why the PCFF would select that to close the festival. My confusion is compounded by the fact that they have as a theme One Giant Leap: films to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. I figure this would have been the perfect place to showcase First Man as the closing film.
Yes, First Man came out last year, but La La Land is only two years old. Moreover, the push to make La La Land this wonderful, delightful, brilliant film/musical is one I will not accept. It is not a good musical, it is not a good film and I won't be party to such a fraud.
We do have a couple of documentaries, recent ones too: The Promised Land and Now or Never are from 2018 and 2019 respectively. With regards to Mary Poppins, I know I have seen it once but have no real memory of it, probably due to my intense dislike for Dick Van Dyke.
I do not know why he annoys me so. I put it down to his big, toothy grin and horrendous Cockney accent.
I plan to review them as the festival goes on and as always, I look forward to making some great discoveries.
* Anatomy of a Murder and Beau Geste will also be featured for the Summer Under the Stars Blogathon.
** Space Camp is questionable as it comes right after Beau Geste and the latter may not end by the time the former starts.
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